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CITY OF SAN LEANDR^ <br />INTEROFFICE MEMO <br />TO City Council July 1, 1977 <br />..._ ...._._, _._._ .__...._.___._._ .. DATE.__..,__, <br />FROM Richard H. Ward, Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT Neptune Drive Extension, Southerly of Davis Street, and Negative Declaration <br />At the June 20th regular session of the City Council the matter of the <br />Neptune Drive Extension, southerly of Davis Street, was considered in the context <br />of a public hearing for condemnation of certain parcels of property necessary for <br />street right-of-way purposes. The hearing on the adoption of the Resolution of <br />Necessity having been closed and the comments of the protesting parties havin <br />been taken under submission, the Council must now decide whether to proceed <br />with this project by adoption of this resolution. <br />In addition to considering the condemnation of the right-of-way properties, <br />the Council was informed of the intent of the Public Works Director to issue a <br />Negative Declaration in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act <br />for the sub'e� c_ t project. Because of recent changes in administrative regulations <br />applicable to CE,QA, notice „of the_City's intent to adopt a negative declaration <br />must be2rovided for a reasonable time prior to official adoption. For this <br />reason the Director issued a "Notice of Intent to File a Negative Declaration" <br />which was attached to the Councill--acienda material for its June 20th session. <br />Should the Council decide to roceed with the adoption of the Resolution of <br />Necessity _and should it further decide that the subject protect may not have a <br />significant effect _upon the environment, the attached negative declaration should <br />.,--- ----- be_rat f i ed_,by_.A finding <br />_ _ _.that the construction of the <br />southerlx_extension of- -Neptune Drive wil-11 not_hAy-. significant-effect_on the <br />environment should also be made by motion. <br />Due to the fact that certain questions were raised during_the„June 20th <br />hears„ng which m� relate to the proposed ne ative declaration on the Council <br />agenda for ratification, I_have attempted here to respond to such issues and <br />ela Qnate fug heron the determinations which I_.made_in the initial stud of this_._,_,_, <br />FORM 063 <br />ORIGINAL <br />