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the applicant may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or other <br />exactions imposed on this Project by these Conditions of Approval) will begin on the date of <br />the conditional approval of the Project. If the applicant fails to file a protest within this 90- <br />day period, complying with all of the requirements of Government Code Section 66020, the <br />applicant will be legally barred from later challenging any such fees, dedications, <br />reservations or other exactions. <br />22. The proposed development shall comply with the City ordinance, policies and regulations. <br />All improvements shall be in accordance with the City's Design Standards, Specifications <br />and Standard Plans unless otherwise specifically approved by the Principal Engineer. <br />23. The Applicant shall submit a Lot Line Adjustment application for the merger of the four <br />parcels at the project site. The Lot Line Adjustment must be approved and recorded prior to <br />issuance of the Building Permit and Grading Permit. The application is available at <br /> <br />24. Because the project creates or replaces more than 10,000 SF of impervious surface, it is <br />considered a Regulated Project according to Provision C.3.b of the San Francisco Bay <br />Region Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (Order No. R2-2015-0049, NPDES <br />Permit No. CAS612008, adopted 11/19/2015). The project must comply with the <br />requirements for stormwater treatment in the above mentioned MRP. <br />25. Landscaped planting areas on the Level 3 courtyard counted as pervious surfaces for the <br />purposes of the storm water treatment and hydromodification facility calculations shall be <br />designed as self -treating areas that conform to the MRP and the Alameda Countywide <br />Clean Water Program C.3 Technical Guidance. <br />26. A Grading Permit will be necessary for the project. The requirements for said permit are <br />indicated in San Leandro Municipal Code §7-12. The permit will be issued prior to or <br />concurrent with the Building Permit. The San Leandro Municipal Code can be found at <br />h <br />27. The project is subject to a Construction General Permit according to the National Pollutant <br />Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002. The general <br />permit is applicable to construction sites that disturb one or more acres of land surface. The <br />applicant will be required to register the project with the State Water Board's Storm water <br />Multi -Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) website. A Qualified SWPPP <br />Developer (QSD) and a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) must be responsible for permit <br />compliance. The SMARTS system will generate a Waste Dischargers Identification (WDID) <br />number which must be printed on the grading and/or erosion control plans. <br />28. The applicant shall submit a detailed Operations and Maintenance agreement for any <br />stormwater treatment or hydromodification measures in accordance with MRP section <br />C.3.h. The O&M agreement shall be required prior to Grading Permit issuance. <br />29. Revise parking and drive aisle layout on Hyde Street such that access to the three <br />residential driveways along the eastern side of Hyde Street and the current trash pickup <br />service for the two properties on the east side of Hyde Street are not impeded by the <br />construction of the proposed diagonal parking spaces along Hyde Street. Construction <br />drawings of the Hyde Street improvements shall include passenger vehicle turning exhibits <br />that show a passenger vehicle entering and exiting the driveways within the existing <br />PLN 18-0036 <br />