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File Number: 23-223 <br />the project’s Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. <br />As is standard in the construction industry, staff balanced site investigation costs with the risk <br />of finding unforeseen conditions during construction , as well as the design costs with the level <br />of detail on the plans. As a result, unforeseen conditions may be encountered during <br />construction and plan details may need to be adjusted or clarified. To minimize delay to the <br />project and ensure that the scope of work is adjusted as needed to provide the highest quality <br />project, staff requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager or her designee to <br />negotiate and approve individual change orders up to 5% ($460,380) of the original contract <br />amount. In addition, staff requests authority to negotiate and approve cumulative change <br />orders up to 10% ($920,761) of the original contract amount. This contract allowance will <br />facilitate efficient completion of the project on budget and on schedule. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On January 23, 2023, by Resolution No. 2023-006, the City Council Approved a <br />Construction Contract with Spencon Construction in an amount of $2,471,000 for Curb <br />Ramp Upgrades for the Annual Street Paving 21-23, Project No. 2020.0050, and <br />authorized the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to <br />5% of the Original Contract Amount ($123,550) and Cumulative Change Orders up to <br />25% of the Original Contract Amount ($617,750) and appropriated $465,000 for the <br />Project in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 . <br />·On April 18, 2022, by Resolution No. 2022-055, the City Council Approved a Consulting <br />Services Agreement with Nichol Consulting Engineers for the Design of the Annual <br />Street Paving 2021-2023, Project No. 2022.0050 for an Amount Not to Exceed <br />$1,065,000, authorized Individual Agreement Amendments Up to 10% ($106,500) and <br />Cumulative Agreement Amendments Up to 25% ($266,250), respectively. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy T-2.1: Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes. Create and maintain <br />“complete” streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel through a <br />comprehensive, integrated transportation network that serves all users <br />·Policy T-3.6 - Pedestrian Environment. Improve the walkability of all streets in San <br />Leandro through the planning, implementing, and maintaining of pedestrian supportive <br />infrastructure <br />·Policy T-7.2: Capital Improvements. Identify capital improvements and other measures <br />which improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro <br />Streets <br />Environmental Review <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2023