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Apple Inns, Inc Reimbursement Agreement 20230809
City Clerk
City Council
Apple Inns, Inc Reimbursement Agreement 20230809
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Last modified
8/10/2023 10:12:24 AM
Creation date
8/10/2023 10:12:10 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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DescriptionCurrent FeeReferenceCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division (continued)ix) Signs Sign permit fees are based on all signs being on the same property and on the same permit. a) 1st Non-energized sign attached to building. b) each additional sign thereafter: c) Pylon sign, energized or not, each: d) Monument sign, energized or not, each e) Relocation or alteration of any sign electronically or mechanically, but not including replacement of tubing, transformers and such parts subject to failure; or shop inspection by the local inspection department in lieu of a UL label (a local electrical inspection department label of approval shall be required), each x) Demolitiona) Commercial/Residential Demolition up to 3,000SF b) Each Additional 10,000SF xi) Addressing FeeC. Plan Checking FeePlan checking fee shall be paid at the time of application for a building permit. The plan checking fee is in addition to the building permit fee and shall be as follows:i) Plan Check Fee, if applicableii) For Master Plans (i.e. identical buildings built by the same builder on the same lot or in the same tract and for which building permits are issued at the same time)iii) Changes, revisions, or additions to plans previously checked iv) Additional plan review after the first re-check v) Alternate Methods and Materials vi) Energy Conservation - for all buildings and projects subject to the California Energy Commission’s conservation regulations D. Miscellaneous Fees i) Miscellaneous Inspections a) Fees for inspection not otherwise set forth herein b) Fees for inspection conducted outside of normal business hours $209 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge$209 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge$209 per hour; 1 hour minimum chargeA full plan checking fee shall be paid for each Master Plan when more than one building will be built and one-third (33%) of the full plan checking fee shall be paid for each production phase building at time of application.$315 hourly rate; 2 hour minimum charge$209 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge20% of building permit fee80% of building permit fee$136 $209 $315 $93 $185 $248 $59 $117 EXHIBIT ADocuSign Envelope ID: C06F5183-C6CA-48E2-AC7D-882CAEC2E603
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