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13A Action
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9/19/2023 5:41:59 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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<br /> <br />2 <br />Strategic Economics will profile and provide analysis of major commercial and industrial subareas <br />within San Leandro. Depending on data availability, the analysis will examine characteristics such as: <br />• Existing commercial uses, development activity (based on data provided by the City), market <br />trends, and market potential for new development and redevelopment. <br />• Analysis of subarea industry mix and specialization, including relationships between <br />businesses within the area and to major industry subsectors that are heavily concentrated in <br />San Leandro. <br />• Location and amenities, including access/connections to transportation networks and Lit San <br />Leandro access. <br />• Opportunities to grow jobs and retain businesses. <br />• Sales tax performance at the citywide and subarea levels. <br />The results of these sub-area analyses will then be used to identify the economic development <br />opportunities represented at each area, identification of major development opportunity sites, and <br />consideration of how the areas should be prioritized for development of place-specific strategies in the <br />Economic Development Strategy. <br />Deliverable: As-needed slides for sharing interim findings during bi-weekly check-ins with City staff. <br /> <br />3. Key Informant Interviews and Focus Groups <br />Strategic Economics will facilitate a series of up to six in-person or virtual stakeholder group meetings. <br />The stakeholders will be defined in close coordination with City staff, but could potentially include: key <br />business representatives representing retail/restaurants, advanced manufacturing, other high tech <br />industries; brokers, developers, community leaders, property owners, and City staff. Winter Consulting <br />will draw from their expertise to advise Strategic Economics and City staff regarding identification and <br />inclusion of stakeholder group participants. In addition to gathering qualitative information, the <br />stakeholder groups will help to build support for the Economic Development Strategy and achieve <br />“buy-in” from community leaders. Strategic Economics will facilitate each of the meetings, formulating <br />specific topics and questions with the goal of gathering required information and generating ideas for <br />potential strategies. It is assumed that City staff will contact all stakeholders to schedule and <br />coordinate the focus group meetings. <br />Strategic Economics will also conduct up to five interviews with business community leaders <br />representing different business types or industry sectors in San Leandro. Interviewees would be <br />identified through collaborations with organizations such as the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce <br />and other organizations that have deep knowledge about the business landscape in San Leandro as <br />well as the challenges businesses are facing. Winter Consulting will provide input regarding targeting <br />and outreach methods for identifying and inviting participants in this process, and may participate in <br />a focus group or business leader meeting if specialized translation or other engagement expertise is <br />required. <br />Deliverable: Focus Group Meeting Notes <br /> <br />4. Community Workshop: Vision, Goals, and Priorities <br />The first of two general community workshops will focus on general community priorities, vision, and <br />areas of interest. The content will cover an introduction to the project, explanation of economic
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