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10A Public Hearings
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Ord 2023-012 Ord 2022- PLN21-0031 Rezoning
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Reso 23-169 Reso 2022 - PLN21-0031 SPR, CUP, Adm Exception
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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 17 <br />87. Interior floor drains shall be plumbed to the sanitary sewer system and shall not be connected to storm <br />drains. <br /> <br />88. Wastewater from vehicle and equipment washing operations shall not be discharged into the storm drain <br />system. <br /> <br />89. Commercial/industrial facilities having vehicle/equipment cleaning needs shall either provide a roofed, <br />bermed area for washing activities or discourage vehicle/equipment washing by removing hose bibs <br />(faucets) and installing signs prohibiting such uses. Vehicle/equipment washing areas shall be paved, <br />designed to prevent run-on to or runoff from the area, and plumbed to drain to the sanitary sewer. A sign <br />shall be posted indicating the location and allowed uses in the designated wash area. The applicant shall <br />contact the contact City of San Leandro Wastewater Pollution Control Plant for specific connection and <br />discharge requirements. <br /> <br />90. Secondary containment shall be provided for exterior work areas where motor oil, brake fluid, gasoline, <br />diesel fuel, radiator fluid, acid-containing batteries or other hazardous materials or hazardous wastes are <br />used or stored. Drains shall not be installed within the secondary containment areas. <br /> <br />91. Tanks, containers, or sinks used for parts cleaning and rinsing shall not be connected to the storm drain <br />system. Tanks, containers, or sinks used for such purposed may only be connected to the sanitary sewer <br />system if allowed by an industrial waste discharge permit. The applicant shall contact City of San Leandro <br />Wastewater Pollution Control Plant for specific connection and discharge requirements. <br /> <br />92. Install RWQCB approved trash inserts at the proposed storm drain connections to the existing storm drain <br />line. See the most recent approved list located here. <br /> <br />ed_fcsdevicelist_16Feb2021.pdf <br /> <br />93. The applicant shall submit a detailed Operations and Maintenance (O&M) agreement in accordance with <br />MRP Section C.3.h. The O&M agreement shall be required prior to Grading Permit issuance. <br /> <br />94. The applicant shall reduce storm water pollution by implementing the following pollution source control <br />measures: <br />a. Structures shall be designed to discourage the occurrence and entry of pests into buildings, thus <br />minimizing the need for pesticides. The trash area shall be separated from the rest of the building by <br />concrete or masonry walls so that pests that gain access to the area are less likely to access the rest of <br />the building. <br />b. All storm drains shall be marked “NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO BAY”. <br />c. All on-site storm drains shall be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned at least twice a year immediately <br />prior to the rainy season. <br />d. Sidewalks and parking lots shall be swept regularly to minimize the accumulation of litter and debris. <br />Steam cleaning or low volume pressure washing may be performed only after pre-cleaning using dry <br />methods, spot cleaning and recovery in stained areas and removal of all mobile pollutants. Debris <br />resulting from pressure washing shall be trapped and collected to prevent entry into the storm drain <br />system. Wash water containing any soap, cleaning agent or degreaser shall not be discharged to the <br />storm drain. DRAFT
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