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Housing Consortium of the East Bay CSA Amnd1 20240130
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Housing Consortium of the East Bay CSA Amnd1 20240130
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2/15/2024 5:58:30 PM
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2/15/2024 5:58:25 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />Amendment No. 1 to <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and HCEB 1/30/2024 <br />for Cooling/Warming Center Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />On days when the shelter will be open, it will operate from 5:00 PM to 7:00 AM. The shelter will also be open for day <br />use every Tuesday from 12:00PM to 8:00PM regardless of weather. <br /> <br />At the minimum PROVIDER will ensure that the following service components will be provided: <br />a. Center capacity is 25 guests per day. <br />b. Adhere to the program core values that prioritize a housing first model, harm reduction approach, trauma <br />informed care, and cultural competency, racial equity, and inclusivity in all facets of governance, operation, <br />management, and service provision. <br />c. Provide a welcoming, safe, sanitary, and inclusive environment for all participants and guests from all walks <br />of life, regardless of race, creed, gender identity, color, or religion. Any person in need, is welcome to receive <br />services without judgment. <br />d. Develop a clearly defined staffing plan and reporting responsibilities to support planned activities and <br />programs. <br />e. Develop an outreach plan to inform potential clients and service providers about the program's availability. <br />f. Provide the following staffing for each day of operation: <br />i. Supervisor x1 <br />ii. Shelter Staff x1 <br />iii. Service Coordinator x1 <br />g. On open days, conduct cleaning and sanitizing and set up center arrangements prior to open hours. <br />h. Floor swept and mopped <br />i. Kitchen surfaces wiped down and sanitized daily at end of open hours. <br />j. Restrooms wiped down and sanitized daily at end of open hours. <br />k. Walk the entire property at the end of shift and report any vandalism or debris to Church staff. n. Serve two <br />meals: lunch and dinner-to-go to guests. <br />l. Food service will follow COVID food handling protocol. <br />m. Enroll walk-in participants onsite for immediate services. Accept referrals from San Leandro Police <br />Department, 211, Coordinated Entry, and community outreach providers. <br />n. Provide chairs and tables. <br />o. Provide an accessible restroom that complies with the American Disability Act. <br />p. Connect with service providers and provide service referrals as needed. <br />q. Enroll program in County HMIS and provide housing problem solving and coordinated entry system services <br />for all guests. <br />r. Develop, coordinate, implement, oversee, and evaluate Summer Cooling Center operations, programs, and <br />services. Services may include the following: intake, meals, information and referral, case management, <br />showers, access to computers, housing navigation, etc. <br />s. Ensure that the Center follows all Alameda County Department of Public Health COVID-19 health and safety <br />protocols. <br />t. Current County guidelines require shelter settings to provide onsite isolation and quarantine. <br />u. Establish isolation and quarantine arrangements as needed. <br />v. Test all guests weekly using a rapid antigen test. If a guest is not present on Saturday, they will be tested on <br />the following Tuesday evening. All positive test results will be reported to Alameda Public Health and <br />appropriate isolation and quarantine protocols will be followed. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0844CC65-4CFC-4842-8D1A-6F29ED40DCBD
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