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___________________________________ <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />Action Plan, along with the dates for publication of public notices, public hearings, <br />comment start and end period, and when the proposed and final plans are expected to <br />be available to the public. <br />2. Technical Assistance: City staff will provide technical assistance to individuals and <br />organizational representatives of very low-, low- and moderate- income people who are <br />interested in submitting a proposal to obtain funding for an activity. The assistance <br />would include providing guidance, informational sources, and training. The City will not <br />write proposals for an applicant. <br />3. Public Presentation: In years where the Annual Action Plan represents the start of a <br />new funding cycle, proposed CDBG objectives and/or activities listed in the Five Year <br />Consolidated Plan shall be presented at a public meeting led by the Community <br />Development Department, at either an independently scheduled public meeting or a <br />scheduled meeting of a Board or Commission such as the Human Services <br />Commission. The Human Services Department shall issue a Request for Proposals for <br />both the CDBG public service activities and the City's Community Assistance Program <br />Grants. City staff and the Commission will evaluate the proposals and provide funding <br />recommendations to the City Council regarding agencies with whom the City could <br />contract for public services to meet the objectives in the Consolidated Plan. <br />4. Notice of Public Comment Period: A summary of the proposed Consolidated Plan shall <br />be displayed to solicit comments over at least a 30-day period. The publication should <br />clearly state the start and end date of the comment period. The publication shall include <br />a list of locations, as listed in the Section 4.0, where copies of the Plan will be available <br />for public review. The public notice shall include a brief summary of the Plan’s contents <br />and activities that will be undertaken in the first year’s Annual Action Plan. Copies of <br />the Plan will be made available upon request. Copies will also be made available in a <br />format accessible to persons with disabilities, upon request. <br /> <br />5. Notice of Public Hearing: The notice of public hearing will include information about the <br />date, time, and location of the public hearing and should follow steps in Section 3.0 of <br />this Plan. The public hearing notice shall be sent to a contact list of interested parties <br />and attendees of the community meetings retained and updated by staff. <br /> <br />6. Public Hearing: The public hearing will be held as described in Section 5.0 of the CPP. <br />All comments submitted by the public, either in writing or orally at public hearings and <br />during the comment period, shall be documented and taken into consideration. A <br />summary of the comments or views accepted and those not accepted, and reasons for <br />not accepting them, shall be attached to the final Consolidated Plan. Upon adoption, <br />staff will submit the final Consolidated Plan with any Substantial Amendments to HUD <br />through IDIS and, if requested, the City’s HUD representative. <br /> <br />7. Submission: The final plan will then be submitted to HUD by May 15 or another date <br />consistent with an appropriate HUD Executive Order. If requested by the HOME <br />Consortium, a copy will also be submitted to the County of Alameda. Copies of the final <br />Plan will be made available on the City website.