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___________________________________ <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 5 of 11 <br /> <br />Although the City does not provide transportation to meetings, the City could assist in finding <br />transportation programs that could provide rides for low income persons, seniors, or disabled <br />persons if remote access to the meeting is not available. Every effort will be made to hear the <br />testimony of all who wish to comment at a public hearing; however, in the event that there is <br />not enough time to hear everyone's testimony, the public is encouraged to submit their <br />comments in writing. <br /> <br />Special accommodations will be made for people with disabilities if a request is submitted <br />within five working days before the hearing. The request shall be submitted to the City Clerk's <br />Office. The City will make every effort to provide translators for people who do not speak <br />English and sign language interpreters, if requests are made within five working days prior to <br />the hearing. <br /> A virtual hearing method may be held in lieu of an in-person public meeting and/or hearing. If <br />a virtual meeting or hearing option is used, then real-time responses and accommodation for <br />persons with disabilities and/or with limited English proficiency will be made available to the <br />greatest extent possible. Virtual meetings shall be publicly noticed, and in the event traditional <br />noticing tools are unavailable or will not effectively reach the public, alternative public noticing <br />efforts must be made and documented. <br /> <br />6.0 PLAN DEVELOPMENT <br />6.1 The Five-Year Consolidated Plan (“Consolidated Plan”) <br /> <br />6.1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: The Five-Year Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive <br />document, providing a detailed description of the housing and community development <br />needs in San Leandro, prioritizes them and then develops a strategy with goals and <br />activities for addressing the needs. <br /> <br />6.1.2 THE PROCESS: <br /> <br />1. In 2004, and every five years thereafter, the San Leandro Housing Services Division will <br />prepare a calendar containing a schedule for the preparation of the Consolidated Plan. <br />The schedule shall contain tentative dates for the preparation of the Plan along with the <br />dates for community meetings, public notices, public hearings, comment period start <br />and end dates, and when the proposed and final Plans are expected to be available to <br />the public. As soon as feasible after the start of the process, the City will make related <br />data and supplemental information available to the public. <br /> <br />2. Community meetings will be held at various locations convenient to the public. The City <br />will utilize outreach methods that will encourage participation from as many community <br />members as possible. Examples include sending out notices to individuals and <br />organizations on a contact list of interested parties, posting notices at neighborhood <br />centers and other locations accessible to the public, and advertising in the newspaper, <br />local television cable channel and local radio station. The objective of these meetings is <br />to explain the purpose and process of the Consolidated Plan, share HUD-provided data,