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4/19/2024 9:25:41 AM
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4/19/2024 9:10:35 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Reso 2024-030 Intent to Initiate Prop 218 Proceedings (Stormwater Fee)
\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2024
Reso 2024-031 Balloting Procedures for Stormwater Fee
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File Number: 24-107 <br />The Stormwater Fee Report included an option to generate $3.2 million annually , which is the <br />amount sufficient to fund the needed annual operations and maintenance costs, the $4.5 million in <br />very high priority capital improvement projects, and the $24.0 million in high priority projects. This <br />option would increase the current single-family equivalent Stormwater Fee rate from $26.33 to <br />$49.92 annually, a monthly increase of $1.97 per single-family parcel of greater than 3,200 sf and <br />less than 7,200 sf (79% of the single-family parcels in the City). While this option would not <br />provide full funding of the system’s needs, it would ensure that the highest priority projects are <br />addressed. The City would likely need to consider another amendment to the Fee in the next 5-10 <br />years. At that time, additional system and climate adaptability information currently not available <br />could be considered. <br />Rate Structure - The goal of implementing the stormwater rate is two-fold. First, to address the <br />operating service level, capital improvement, and regulatory needs as described in the <br />Stormwater Fee Report; and second, to ensure that the fee charged continues to reflect how <br />properties within the City interact with the stormwater infrastructure. The proposed rate structure <br />uses surveys conducted on property types, sizes, and characteristics to develop a basic unit of <br />measure, the single-family equivalent or “SFE” unit. This basic unit of measure is then used to <br />calculate the units of measure for all types of land uses. <br />The annual revenue requirement for the utility is divided by the total SFEs to calculate the per- <br />year and per-month cost for each SFE. The per-month, per SFE cost is then multiplied by the <br />SFEs per parcel or per acre, for each land use category, to determine the stormwater rate for that <br />parcel. The proposed rates included in the Stormwater Fee Report are summarized below. <br />Table 1 - Stormwater Fee Schedule <br />Land Use Category Current Fee Proposed Fee FY 2024-25 Additional Monthly Cost <br />Single-Family Residential $ per parcel $ per parcel <br />Small < 3,200 sq. ft.$26.33 $26.07 ($0.02) <br />Medium 3,200 to 7,200 sq. ft.$26.33 $49.92 $1.97 <br />Large > 7,200 sq. ft.$26.33 $75.15 $4.07 <br /> <br />Non-Single-Family Residential $ per Acre $ per Acre <br />Apartments/Condos $157.98 $505.70 <br />Commercial $210.64 $621.02 <br />Municipal N/A $621.02 <br />Schools N/A $392.88 <br />Parks N/A $117.81 <br />Golf Courses N/A $12.48 <br />Vacant - Developed Parcels N/A $12.48 <br />Undeveloped Parcels/Open Space No Charge <br />Consumer Price Index-U (CPI-U), and Annual Cost Banking - Under state law, rate structures <br />may be developed with annual increases when tied to CPI, or other price indices. The proposed <br />Stormwater Fee Amendment includes the concept of CPI “banking.” The stormwater fee would be <br />subject to an annual adjustment tied to the change in the annual CPI-U for San <br />Francisco-Oakland-Hayward (not seasonally adjusted). The maximum adjustment will not exceed <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/28/2024
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