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File Number: 24-107 <br />3% in any year. However, for the years that the CPI-U exceeds 3%, the amount over 3% will be <br />“banked” as unused CPI and used to offset occasions when the annual CPI-U increase is below <br />3%. Every year, the actual fee amount must go through a public process and can only be changed <br />by the City Council.  <br />Public Outreach - A Stormwater Fee | San Leandro, CA <br /><> webpage is available to provide information on <br />the proposed Stormwater Fee Amendment. The webpage includes an overview of the proposed <br />amendment, FAQs, an informational flyer as well as links to public meetings and documents. The <br />Stormwater Fee Amendment flyer was updated and is included as Attachment D for your <br />information. City representatives have been meeting with large property owners, community <br />groups and other public agencies to discuss the proposed Stormwater Fee Amendment. <br />Compliance with Proposition 218 <br />In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 218, also known as the “Right to Vote on Taxes” <br />Act. Proposition 218 requires that the City mail a written notice of any proposed stormwater fee <br />increases to affected property owners at least 45 days prior to a scheduled public hearing, during <br />which time property owners may submit written protests opposing proposed rate increases. At <br />the public hearing, currently scheduled for May 20, 2024, Council will consider all protests related <br />to the proposed rates. If a majority of parcel owners protest the rate increases, the new fee cannot <br />be approved. <br />Additionally, Proposition 218 requires that jurisdictions obtain voter approval (by a majority vote) <br />for new or increased property related fees, unless those fees are for sewer, water or refuse <br />collection services. Fees associated with sewer, water, and refuse collection services can be <br />enacted through a majority protest process. However, stormwater system fees continue to be <br />treated differently than sewer, water, and refuse fees, requiring a majority approval vote from <br />property owners prior to the implementation of the fees. <br />Next Steps <br />After receiving approval from Council, the Proposition 218 Notice will be distributed, initiating the <br />rate setting process for the coming fiscal years. In order to provide a minimum 45-day review <br />period, the required Proposition 218 public hearing is scheduled for the May 20, 2024 regular <br />Council meeting, at which time the Council will determine whether a majority of parcel owners <br />protest the proposed fee increases. <br />A summary of the next steps follows: <br />1.Mail Notice of Public Hearing to all property owners by April 5, 2024. <br />2.Hold a Public Hearing on May 20, 2024 and if a majority protest is not received, the next <br />step would be a potential authorization to initiate a mail balloting process pursuant to <br />Proposition 218. <br />3.Mail ballots and ballot guide sent to all property owners by May 24, 2024 <br />4.Ballots due to City Clerk by 5:00 pm on July 8, 2024. <br />5.Ballots tabulated on July 9, 2024 <br />6.At the July 15, 2024 regular Council meeting, Council to accept tabulation of ballot results. <br />If the mailed ballot proceeding is successful, Council to consider approval of the <br />Stormwater Fee Amendment. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/28/2024