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<br />July 15, 2024 Page 13 City of San Leandro/ACI Franchise Agreement <br />Contractor shall Transport all Solid Waste Collected in City to the Designated Disposal Facility. Contractor 462 <br />shall pay all costs associated with Transportation and Disposal of Solid Waste including payment of any 463 <br />gate fees charged at the Designated Disposal Facility. Contractor shall observe and comply with all 464 <br />regulations and posted rules in effect at the Designated Disposal Facility and cooperate with and take 465 <br />direction from the operator thereof with respect to delivery of Solid Waste. 466 <br />4.7 ABANDONED WASTE 467 <br />A. Abandoned Waste. Contractor shall provide daily Abandoned Waste Collection events up to the 468 <br />“daily limit” as described in Section 4.4. Contractor shall Collect Abandoned Waste in the City in 469 <br />accordance with this Section. Contractor shall dispatch a truck to Collect Abandoned Waste at 470 <br />locations in the City identified by the City. In instances when the Contractor has received 471 <br />notification from the City’s SeeClickFix system (or other similar system approved by the City) or a 472 <br />verbal request from the City Contract Manager to Collect Abandoned Waste at a specific location, 473 <br />Contractor shall Collect Abandoned Waste from such location within twenty-four (24) hours of 474 <br />receiving the notification or verbal request (on Monday for requests received Friday) unless special 475 <br />circumstances warrant a longer period, in which case Contractor shall notify the City of such 476 <br />circumstances and the need for additional time to Collect the Abandoned Waste. Contractor shall 477 <br />be responsible for Collection and Transportation of such material to the appropriate Approved or 478 <br />Designated Facility for Processing or Disposal. Contractor shall record the date, time, location, and 479 <br />description of material Collected including estimated volume of such material and location where 480 <br />such material was Disposed. Tonnage or volume of material Collected shall be separately recorded 481 <br />and reported to the City on a quarterly basis. Contractor shall manage and track Abandoned Waste 482 <br />Collection Services (including, but not limited to, receipt, response action, response time, and close-483 <br />out of each service request) using the City’s SeeClickFix system or similar system approved by the 484 <br />City in accordance with Section 4.13. Contractor shall maintain records of Abandoned Waste 485 <br />Collection in accordance with this Section and Exhibit D. 486 <br />Contractor shall provide Abandoned Waste Collection service in accordance with this Section at all 487 <br />times of the year, irrespective of when Bulky Items, Reusable Materials, and Textiles Collection 488 <br />services are or are not provided in accordance with Exhibit B. 489 <br />4.8 CITY-DESIGNATED EVENTS 490 <br />Contractor shall provide Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and Solid Waste services to up to six (6) 491 <br />City-designated events, examples of which are identified in Exhibit B5, per Rate Period at no cost to the 492 <br />event or City. In the event that, due to reasons outside the City’s control (including but not limited to long-493 <br />term restrictions on social gatherings for purposes of preserving public health and safety), the City is 494 <br />unable to direct Contractor to serve six (6) City-designated events in any Rate Period, City and Contractor 495 <br />shall meet and confer to agree upon redirection of Contractor funds that would otherwise be designated 496 <br />for such event service. Contractor shall provide the City-designated event services upon thirty (30) 497 <br />calendar days’ advance request by the City Contract Manager. For event services provided to the City 498 <br />beyond the six (6) in any Rate Period, the Contractor shall be compensated pursuant to the Rates in Exhibit 499 <br />G3. City-sponsored event services shall include: 500 <br />A. Event Collection Stations. Contractor shall provide, set-up, and take-down event Collection stations 501 <br />for Collection of Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and Solid Waste at City-designated special 502 <br />events. Contractor shall utilize City-provided event Collection stations upon request by the City. 503 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 908A450D-1F36-4C09-B8A4-C1D639B5A05A
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