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<br />Amendment 1 Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro Last revised 12/18/2024 <br />and RRM Design Group for Conceptual Design Services Amended Exhibit A - Page 3 of 5 <br />Subtask III.A: Construction Visits and Recommendations <br />Consultant will conduct three site visits and provide up to twenty-four hours of professional opinion <br />related to how closely the implementation by a construction contractor hired by the City meets the <br />design intent of the Final Concept Plan. City will work directly with the construction contractor and <br />Contractor will provide recommendations to the City. Contractor will not direct the construction <br />contractor on how to implement the design. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />o Three (3) site visits during construction <br />o Up to twenty-four (24) hours of professional opinion related to implementation meeting <br />design intent of Final Concept Plan <br /> <br />Task IV: Parking Lot Planter Landscape Template <br />RRM will prepare landscape templates for the planters in the City-owned parking lots to the north and south <br />of Sons of Liberty Alehouse and the lot south of Tsuru Sushi. <br />Subtask IV.A: Plant List <br />RRM will provide a list of low maintenance and low water use plants for the parking lot planters in <br />the locations mentioned above. The list will include scientific and common plant names, plant <br />container sizes, mature height and width of plants, solar exp osure, and water use categories. The <br />list will also be accompanied by images of the plants. We will submit the plant list and images to <br />City staff for review and make revisions based on their comments. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />o Plant list with images <br />Subtask IV.B: Plant Templates <br />RRM will provide 3-4 templates of different size and shape planters in the lots mentioned in the <br />Task IV description, which will illustrate how to arrange plants from the approved list generated in <br />Task IVA. The templates will include categories of plants by size that will be keyed to the plant list. <br />These plant categories will provide 3-4 options of plants from the list to allow for variety and <br />choices. For example, one category may be “low spreading plant” which will then be keyed to 3 -4 <br />options from the plant list. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />o 3-4 plant templates <br />Task V: Intentionally Left Blank <br />Task VI: Information Gathering <br />Subtask VI.A: Stakeholder Meeting <br />RRM will participate in one stakeholder meeting with City-selected organizations, tenants, and <br />landlords. RRM’s principal landscape architect will attend the meeting on site to explore ideas in <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 93964CE2-4841-4832-8FB9-8E433BD968E6