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Name Page count CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type Drawing Type Document Date (6) Recorded Document Type
Bandwidth Lease Agreement 20231024[Icon] 72 Agreement 10/24/2023
Basset Engineering Agreement 20230627[Icon] 15 Agreement 6/27/2023
Bay Area PL Services Professional Services Agreement 20230309[Icon] 21 Agreement 3/9/2023
Bay Area PL Services PSA 20230309[Icon] 21 Agreement 3/9/2023
Black Chamber of Commerce Grant 20231218[Icon] 9 Agreement 12/18/2023
Boys and Girls Club Agreement Amnd 2 20230401[Icon] 21 Agreement 4/1/2023
BrightView Landscape NPSA Amendment 1 07012022.pdf[Icon] 2
BrightView Landscape NPSA Amendment 2 2023 01 16.docx[Icon] 2
Brightview Landscape Services Inc NPSA City Facilities Landscape 20230918[Icon] 90 Agreement 9/18/2023
Brightview Landscape Services Inc NPSA Park Turf 20230918[Icon] 66 Agreement 9/18/2023
Brightview Landscape Services NPSA 20230815[Icon] 30 Agreement 8/15/2023
BrightView Landscape Services_NPSA_signed.pdf[Icon] 24
BSK Associates CSA 20230727[Icon] 30 Agreement 7/27/2023
BSK Associates CSA 20230824[Icon] 32 Agreement 8/24/2023
Building Futures CSA 20230823[Icon] 26 Agreement 8/23/2023
C5054054_Amendment 1-FullyExecuted_Signed 1.pdf[Icon] 10
C9801135 Amendment 1 Memorial Park.pdf[Icon] 9
C9802010 Amendment 1 Memorial Park.pdf[Icon] 9
CABB Consulting Agreement ‎(55)‎ ‎(1)‎.pdf[Icon] 3
Casey Rickey Art License Agreement 20230628[Icon] 14 Agreement 6/28/2023
Castillo, Moriarty, Tran, & Robinson Legal Services Agreement Amnd1 20230606[Icon] 7 Agreement 6/6/2023
Central Valley Toxicology, Inc. CSA Amnd1 20230531[Icon] 10 Agreement 5/31/2023
Centro Legal-ECHO CSA Amend#1 $85K_FY22-23 + Exhibits.pdf[Icon] 12
Chaplin & Hill Investigative Services CSA 20231011[Icon] 29 Agreement 10/11/2023
Chuck Todd NPSA Amnd1 20231204[Icon] 9 Agreement 12/4/2023
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253 Entries
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