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<br />roadways are made. <br /> <br />X Implement TCM # 1 0 to provide Youth Transportation by encouraging joint efforts <br />between the City and School Districts to address circulation, traffic, and parking <br />issues in the vicinity of school campuses, and to ensure the safety of students <br />traveling to and from school. Action 46.03-A calls for the City to work with AC <br />Transit to promote transit service improvements between residential areas and local <br />high and middle schools, and to provide suitable transit facilities such as bus shelters <br />near middle schools. <br /> <br />X Implement TCM #12 to Improve Arterial Traffic Management by conducting detailed <br />traffic analysis and engineering studies to determine the location of potential <br />improvements to circulation. In addition, the Transportation Element of the General <br />Plan includes policies that reasonably implement this TCM. Policy 16.04, Traffic <br />Flow and Improvements, recommends using a variety of measures to improve traffic <br />flow at congested intersections including technologically advanced tools such as <br />signal timing and video monitoring. Action 16.04-A recommends undertaking signal <br />timing and phasing projects which improve traffic flow and safety. <br /> <br />X Implement TCM #15 for Local Clean Air Plans, Policies and Programs to support the <br />intent of the Clean Air Plan by promoting intensification ofland uses in close <br />proximity to transit (e.g. BART, AC Transit), and improved bicycle and pedestrian <br />facilities. An increase in jobs and higher density housing in close proximity to transit <br />and improved bicycle and pedestrian amenities would support the local clean air plan <br />by reducing VMT and dependency upon the single-occupancy vehicle as a primary <br />mode of travel. <br /> <br />X Implement TCM #19 for Pedestrian Travel to recommend the development of high- <br />quality and direct pedestrian connections between development and BART, Bus <br />Rapid Transit (BR T), and other transit systems. <br /> <br />X Implement TCM #20 to Promote Traffic Calming Measures including Streetscape <br /> <br />Improvements and Pedestrian Circulation Action D3, which calls for a determination <br /> <br />of the desirability of installing planted medians on West Juana Avenue, Parrott Street, <br /> <br />and West Estudillo Avenue for traffic calming and "greening" purposes. <br /> <br />Construction Air Quality Impacts <br /> <br />The numerous large and medium-sized construction projects that would result from <br />implementation of the TOD Strategy could result in different air quality impacts based on size, <br />duration and proximity to sensitive receptors. These construction activities would temporarily <br />create emissions of dusts, fumes, equipment exhaust and other air contaminants. Dust could <br />affect local air quality during construction of the project. Construction dust has the potential for <br />creating a significant effect on nearby properties. <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro finds that, as to the significant effect identified above: <br /> <br />5 <br />