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ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT (APSA) PROGRAM <br />GRANT APPLICATION <br />E. UP Administrative Procedures <br />The City of San Leandro CUPA's administrative policy and procedures will be reviewed and updated, <br />as necessary to incorporate all relevant aspects of the APSA Program. All revisions will be completed <br />by January 1, 2009. <br />F. Fee Accountability Program <br />The City of San Leandro CUPA will incorporate the APSA Program into the existing Unified Program <br />(UP) Fee Accountability system, accounting for the fee schedule, the actual amount billed, and the <br />revenue collected:. The fee accountability program is designed to encourage more efficient and cost- <br />effective operation of the programs for which the single fee is assessed. For the APSA Program, the <br />fee accountability program will be instituted before incorporating it into the single fee system. The City <br />of San Leandro CUPA's fee accountability program includes the following elements: <br />o Accounting for: the fee schedule, the actual amount billed, and the revenue collected; <br />o Discrete billable services, categorized as general; <br />o Staff work hours required to implement the APSA program; <br />o Direct program expenses (including durable and disposable equipment); <br />o Indirect program expenses (including overhead for facilities and administrative functions); <br />o The number of businesses regulated under the APSA Program in the City; and, <br />o The Quantity and range of services provided, including frequency of inspection. <br />The incorporation of the APSA Program into the Unified Program Fee Accountability System and <br />Program.will be accomplished by January 1, 2009. <br />G. Unified Program Single Fee System <br />Prior to July 1, 2010, the City of San Leandro Council will adopt a local APSA program fee as part of <br />the UP Single Fee system. The APSA Program fee will be established at a level sufficient to pay the <br />necessary and reasonable costs incurred by the CUPA in administering the APSA Program, including, <br />but not limited to, inspections, enforcement, and administrative costs. As part of the single fee system, <br />the City CUPA may provide for a waiver of the APSA Program fees when a state or local government <br />agency submits a tank facility statement; so long as waiver of other CUPA program fees is in effect for <br />state or local government agencies. <br />By October 1, 2009, the City CUPA's "UP Single Fee Invoice" will be amended to include a line item <br />for the APSA Program fee. Fees for non-recurring APSA Program activities of the CUPA such as, but <br />not Limited to, the fee for an initial registration, plan review, or special inspection, may be billed <br />separately from the "UP Single Fee Invoice." Beginning in January 2011, each regulated business will <br />be assessed the APSA Program fee as part of the UP single fee invoice. <br />4 ~ APSA GRANT APPLICATION -March 200$ <br />