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cannot be, or is not required to be, complied with, fulfilled, accomplished or paid by the <br />time the Project is completed, the Grantee shall state in a narrative format, the plan for <br />future compliance or payment. <br />G. If any portion of the construction to be funded under this Agreement will be performed by <br />contractors, the Grantee shall implement, or cause to be implemented, a labor compliance <br />program that meets the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1771.5(b). <br />II. SIGNS <br />The Grantee shall erect and maintain signs visible from the nearest public roadway directing the <br />public to the Project. In addition, the Grantee shall erect signs acknowledging ABAG and <br />Conservancy assistance and displaying the Bay Trail and Conservancy logos, unless the Grantee <br />incorporates this acknowledgement into other signage in a manner approved by ABAG. ABAG <br />shall provide specifications for the Conservancy and Bay Trail signs and logo to the Grantee for <br />this purpose. Pursuant to paragraph H.B.2 of the Construction Grant Agreement and paragraph <br />I.A of these Standard Provisions, plans describing the number, design, placement and wording of <br />the signs shall be submitted to ABAG for review and written approval prior to the installation of <br />signs. Final reimbursement may be withheld by ABAG pending placement of the signs in the <br />manner approved by ABAG. <br />III. BONDING <br />If the Grantee intends to use any contractor(s) on any portion of the Project to be funded under <br />this Agreement, construction shall not begin until each such contractor has furnished a <br />performance bond in favor of ABAG and the Grantee, in the following amounts: for faithful <br />performance, one hundred percent (100%) of the contract value; and for labor and materials, one <br />hundred percent (100%) of the contract value. The requirement shall not apply to any contract <br />for less than $20,000. <br />IV. COSTS AND DISBURSEMENTS <br />A. Upon determination by ABAG that all "CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO <br />CONSTRUCTION AND DISBURSEMENT" have been fully met, ABAG shall disburse to <br />the Grantee, in accordance with the approved Project Budget, a total amount not to exceed <br />the amount of this grant, as follows: <br />The provision of this section with a check mark, "x" or equivalent mark opposite it will <br />apply at the commencement of the Agreement. <br />❑ PROGRESS PAYMENTS <br />Disbursements shall be made on the basis of costs incurred to date, less ten percent <br />(10%), upon satisfactory progress in accordance with the approved work program <br />and upon the Grantee's submission of a "Request for Disbursement" form, which <br />shall be submitted no more frequently than monthly but no less frequently than <br />quarterly. Disbursement of the ten percent (10%) withheld shall be made upon the <br />Grantee's satisfactory completion of construction of the Project and compliance with <br />-4- Construction Grant Agreement - 2008 <br />