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1. Roster, workgroups (if any), and meeting schedule for Municipal Task Force <br />2. Cost benefit analysis and implementation timeline of municipal and community wide <br />strategies for reducing GHG emissions <br />Task 1.4: Solicit Input from Community Stakeholders <br />The ATCM will work with the business community, including its large industrial <br />manufacturers, as well as the school districts, to develop an incentive plan to assist <br />businesses in reducing their energy usage. The strategy will be included in the CAP. <br />Additionally, the ATCM will work with the community to identify community-wide programs <br />that meet residents' needs with an emphasis on programs that have measurable emission <br />reduction results (not just education). Input may be obtained through public meetings, City <br />web page, news letters, community events and coordination with special events. Staff will <br />work closely with GRANTEE's Public Information Officer to develop a plan to outreach to the <br />community. <br />Deliverables <br />1. Detailed description of incentive plan for businesses <br />2. Agendas, attendance lists, presentations and key comments/input from public meetings <br />3. Copies of outreach materials (web pages, handouts, mailers, ads, etc.) <br />Phase 2: Climate Action Plan <br />Task 2.1: Develop Draft Climate Action Plan <br />The ATCM will develop the CAP in close cooperation with the Municipal Task Force, City <br />Manager's Office, City Council, and key stakeholder groups from the community. The CAP <br />will include detailed accounting of policies and programs and their associated GHG <br />emission reductions, and how the aggregation of these m easures will achieve GRANTEE's <br />stated GHG reduction target. Estimates of GHG reductions will be included for each <br />measure. The CAP will cover the sectors in ICLEI's approach to developing local climate <br />action plans: the city organization's facilities, operations, fleet and solid waste; and <br />community-wide emissions from residential, commercial, industrial, transportation and solid <br />waste. The CAP will include mandatory targets for GHG reductions in City operations. The <br />CAP will include a detailed implementation strategy including identification of legislative and <br />budgetary actions required, departmental and coordinating staff responsibilities, and <br />tracking and reporting of progress as the plan is implemented. <br />Deliverable <br />1. Draft Climate Action Plan <br />Task 2.2: Develop Final Climate Action Plan <br />ATCM and City staff will incorporate comments on the Draft CAP from the Municipal Task <br />Force, City Council, and key community stakeholders into the Plan and present to City <br />Council for approval and adoption as the Final CAP. <br />Deliverables <br />1. Final Climate Action Plan as presented to City Council for adoption <br />2. City Council agenda, staff report and resolution adopting Climate Action Plan <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />Contract No. 2008-109 <br />