Laserfiche WebLink
• Review current backup policies and procedures and advise on improvement. Deploy <br />Veritas Backup Exec Server (connected to an existing Dell 130T DLT library) and 10 <br />Backup Exec agents on server platforms. <br />• Install/Configure McAfee Anti-Virus on all server platforms. Advise on proper security <br />patching procedures. Install and configure current-best security-patch auditing tools. <br />• Migrate existing Windows 2000 application servers (non-domain members) into <br />Active Directory, including: EDEN, GIS, and Win2K Terminal Server. Remove local <br />accounts over the migration period, recreate access-control lists mapping to new <br />user objects in AD to applications. Work with application vendors as needed. If user <br />reassignment is not a simple process due to vendor/third-party application <br />constraints, then existing Win2k applications will remain. configured as-is. This <br />determination will be made on aserver-by-server basis. In any determination, the <br />application cannot require NDS or Novell services, as NDS/Netware and GroupWise <br />will retire at the end of the project. <br />• Document detailed server configurations and overall design. Document maintenance <br />procedures and security patching procedures. <br />• Decommission NDS/Netware and server upon migration completion. <br />• Design and implement an overall system which conforms to CLETS {California Law <br />Enforcement Telecommunications System) and DOJ (Department of Justice) <br />requirements. <br />• Partner with City IT Staff throughout the entire project, providing hands-on training <br />and knowledge transfer to the staff. <br />Novell GroupWise Migration to Exchange <br />ExtraTeam shall design and install a new Exchange 2000 system (based on the above Active <br />Directory) and migrate the existing GroupWise email to Exchange 2000. Specifically: <br />• Develop Active Directory structure which duplicates (in function) the current <br />GroupWise email system, including: users, user rights, distribution-lists, and <br />address-lists. Review existing email address naming standards and advise on <br />improvement. Implement agreed changes. Implement all email address changes <br />such that any OLD addresses will remain as valid aliases to the new account. <br />• Develop migration process for seamless user migration. User will migrate slowly over <br />a period of time. The process shall involve running NDS/Netware/GroupWise in <br />parallel with ADJWin2k/Exchange. Email gateways, directory synchronization, and <br />calendar connectors will be configured. Users on both GroupWise and Exchange 2000 <br />will appear in the address lists for both mail systems. Users from both sides will be <br />able to send mail to, and view calendar information for, users on both platforms. <br />• Test all processes in a test-lab environment to ensure validity. Deploy in production <br />only after the process is certified. <br />• Perform per-user data copy and migration tasks on the day before user workstation <br />imaging is scheduled. <br />• Review current email storage requirements and policies, recommend/design and <br />implement Exchange2000 storage groups, information stores, and storage group <br />policies. <br />• Design and test DMZ-utility servers (standalone, non-domain member), to provide <br />SMTP inbound acceptance, Internet email SPAM filtering using automatic DNS-BL and <br />manual keyword searches, external DNS (primary, secondary, & confirm/configure <br />offsite ISP tertiary). <br />• Decommission GroupWise server upon migration completion. <br />• Design and implement an overall system which conforms to CLETS (California Law <br />Enforcement Telecommunications System) and DOJ (Department of Justice) <br />requirements. <br />• End-user training should be performed 1 working day before workstation imaging <br />(and email "cutaver") occurs. The City of San Leandro will be responsible for <br />providing end-user email training. ExtraTeam will advise in the development of a <br />training program, but will not perform or supervise the actual training. <br />EXHIBIT A-1 <br />