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park and ride lots, and provisions for transporting bicyclists and bicycles on transit or <br />rail vehicles or ferry vessels: <br />v) Existing and proposed facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment. <br />These shall include, but not be limited to, locker, restrooms, and shower facilities <br />near bicycle parking facilities; and <br />c) Detailed descriptions of following information: <br />i) Bicycle safety and education programs conducted in the area included within the <br />plan, efforts by the law enforcement agency having primary traffic law enforcement <br />responsibility in the area to enforce provisions of the Vehicle Code pertaining to <br />bicycle operation, and the resulting effect on accidents involving bicyclists. <br />ii) Formation and discussions with the BPAC, whose meetings will be publicly noticed, <br />deliberations and actions taken by the City Council and any letters and/or other <br />correspondence received on the Plan, including letters of support, which will be <br />sought from the East Bay Bicycle Coalition and Cherry City Cycling Club. <br />iii) Extent of citizen and community involvement in development of the plan, including, <br />but not limited to, letters of support. <br />iv) How the bicycle transportation plan has been coordinated and is consistent with other <br />local or regional transportation, air quality, or energy conservation plans, including, <br />but not limited to, programs that provide incentives for bicycle commuting. <br />v) Proposed projects in the plan and a listing of their priorities for implementation. <br />vi) Past expenditures for bicycle facilities and future financial needs for projects that <br />improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters in the plan area. <br />d) The Consultant will also collect sufficient data to meet the requirements of grant program <br />applications. These grant programs include, but are not limited to the Bicycle Lane <br />Account, Transportation Development Act Article 3 and Transportation Funds for Clean <br />Air. It is the Consultant's responsibility to identify the grant programs and to provide the <br />data necessary in order to qualify for funds under these programs, <br />e) The consultant will update specific information related to the following: <br />i) Description of San Leandro's physical setting; <br />ii) Description of major activity centers and public facilities; <br />iii) Description of the current demand for multi-use trails and bikeway facilities. <br />(1) This discussion will include, but is not limited to, describing the current land uses, <br />population, population densities, employment, demographics, activity centers, <br />recreation centers, student destination and commuter needs. <br />iv) Description and quantity of the existing transportation system including the multi-use <br />trail, and bikeway system and support facilities. Each trail and bikeway will be <br />described in detail. <br />v) Discussion of the opportunities and constraints to bicycling and walking in the City. <br />Contractual Services Agreement Page 5 of 20 <br />Revised 5-02 <br />