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Climate Action Plan 4 December 21, 2009 <br />Milestone 5 -Monitoring and Verification <br />Monitoring and verifying progress in attaining reductions in greenhouse gas emissions is a <br />continuing process. Monitoring begins once measures are implemented and continues for the life <br />of the measures, providing important feedback that can be used to improve the measures over <br />time. <br />Monitoring gas emissions reductions is a technically challenging task. Staff foresees working <br />with ICLEI and the local utilities on future emissions inventories and potentially working with <br />technical consultants to develop a rigorous emissions monitoring and verification program. <br />Previous City Council Actions <br />On July 10, 2006, the City adopted Resolution 2006-076 Authorizing Participation in the <br />Alameda County Climate Protection Project and Membership in ICLEI Local <br />Governments for Sustainability. On February 5, 2007 the City Adopted Resolution 2007- <br />009 Establishing a City of San Leandro Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goal to Reduce <br />Citywide Emissions 25% Below 2005 Levels by 2020. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The City's General Plan, adopted in 2002, includes a series of goals and policies related to <br />resource conservation and environmental sustainability. The CAP is in conformance with <br />the General Plan in that it supports policies that encourage energy and water conservation <br />and better air quality, improvement of public transit service, increased safety for <br />pedestrians and bicyclists, improvement of the local economy and transit oriented <br />development. Chapter 5 (Open Space, Parks and Conservation), states that "(a)nother <br />mission of this Element is to promote conservation practices among San Leandro <br />residents and businesses. Three areas are emphasized: water conservation, recycling, <br />and energy conservation. " (General Plan, page 5-1) <br />Furthermore, the General Plan supports the proposed Climate Action Plan with the <br />following Policies and Actions, among others: <br />Policy 13.04 -Transit-Oriented Development Ensure that properties adjacent to the <br />City's BART stations and along heavily used public transit routes are developed in a way <br />that maximizes the potential for transit use. <br />Policy 14.01 -Citywide Bikeway System Develop and maintain a Citywide bikeway <br />system which effectively serves residential areas, employment centers, schools, parks, <br />and multi-modal terminals. <br />Policy 14.05 -Access to Transit Promote improvements that encourage walking, <br />cycling, and other forms of non-motorized transportation to and from transit facilities <br />such as BART stations and AC Transit bus lines. <br />Policy 15.03 -Shuttle Buses Encourage the use of shuttle buses as a viable alternative <br />to driving. Shuttles should connect residential areas, schools, employment, shopping, <br />health and other activity centers, and transit facilities such as BART. <br />