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transportation demand management (TDM) programs. Car share programs are a new form of <br />car rental, where a consumer can join in a company and, as a member, rent a car for a short <br />period of time. The insurance and other vehicle licensing fees are paid by the carshare <br />company. Car share vehicles are usually parked at large companies or universities, transit <br />stations or municipal parking garages. <br />Traffic <br />Comments: Questions were raised as to the real advantage to traffic flow efficiency. If we <br />make traffic flow faster, will more cars fill in the flow and create more emissions? <br />Response: Yes, if traffic flow were faster, then it would encourage more cars to drive through <br />the corridor, leading to increased criteria pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. A multi- <br />modal (i. e. use of bicycles, transit and other modes) transportation strategy is important to <br />provide realistic alternatives to driving and reduce air emissions and lost time related to grid- <br />lock. However, reducing idling at stoplights can make a significant contribution to emissions <br />reductions. The City Engineering and Transportation Department is currently investing money <br />in an advanced traffic control system to help alleviate emissions from excess idling. <br />Recycling Measures Feasibility <br />Comment: Both City Council and Planning Commission raised the issue of institution of <br />greater levels of mandatory recycling and bans on land-fill materials such as plastic bags and <br />Styrofoam. Questions were raised as to whether the City is going to meet our 75 percent <br />diversion goals? <br />Response: Public Works staff is awaiting the outcome of state-wide legislation that would <br />mandate measures at the local level for development of bans. The City's Recycling staff is <br />actively working on a Recycling Plan that will be presented to the City Council in 2oio. <br />Solar Energy and Green Building <br />Comment: City Council members encouraged staff to look at financing programs for solar <br />and energy efficiency retrofits and for partnering with PG&E and community groups. <br />Response: Planning and Building staff is continuing to work with county-wide efforts to create <br />a municipal financing and residential/commercial retrofit program with regional partners such <br />as ABAG and StopWaste.Org. The Climate Action Plan presents a general policy towards that <br />end. Currently, the top priority for financing is towards energy efficiency, even those programs <br />that would provide financing for solar installations. Other alternatives for solar installation <br />include Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), whereby solar utility companies install PV systems <br />on a municipal or private company building roof and sell back the power to that entity. <br />