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Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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Last modified
2/8/2010 10:21:56 AM
Creation date
2/8/2010 10:20:49 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2010 0201
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0201
Agmt 2014 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2014
Reso 2010-011
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2010
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The Contractor is required to adhere to the Alameda County Greenwaste Landfill Ordinance. <br />This ordinance requires that all grass clippings that are not cycled back into the turf shall be <br />removed from the site and taken to a green waste recycling facility (they shall not be mixed with <br />solid waste and/or left onsite). Recycling costs shall be included in the bid price. <br />Payment <br />Payment for all services shall be made based on the Monthly Maintenance bid price. Contractor <br />shall submit an invoice for services rendered the prior month. Invoices shall be paid by City <br />within thirty days of receipt? <br />The City will pay only once for spraying, regardless of the number of spray applications <br />necessary to control weed growth as described in these specifications. In other words, if <br />property requires several applications of pre-emergent and/or systemic sprays in order to control <br />weeds as described herein, the City shall make only one payment, based on the Monthly <br />Maintenance bid price, regardless of the number of spray applications performed. <br />The City may deduct from any amount payable to Contractor (a) any amounts the payment of <br />which may be in dispute, (b) any amounts necessary to compensate the City for any losses, costs, <br />liabilities, or damages suffered by the City, and (c) all amounts for which the City may be liable <br />to third parties, by reason on Contractor's acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform <br />Contractor's obligations as part of the contract. Any failure of the City to withhold payments <br />due for such cause, shall not affect the obligations of the Contractor. Amounts withheld due to <br />Contractor failure to adequately monitor the service areas shall be permanently forfeited by the <br />Contractor. <br />Payment deductions for Contractor Non-Compliance <br />(a) If in the judgment of the City, Contractor has failed to perform any of its duties or obligations <br />of these specifications, the City, at its option, in addition to, or in lieu of, any other remedies set <br />forth in these specifications, may withhold the entire monthly payment or deduct pro rata from <br />Contractor's invoice for work not performed after providing Contractor with written notice <br />identifying the duty(ies) or obligation(s) not performed and the time period Contractor may have <br />to cure the duty(ies) or obligation(s). <br />(b) If the deficiency(ies) identified by the City are of a type that is susceptible to being corrected <br />by Contractor, the City shall provide the Contractor with forty-eight (48) hours to cure the <br />deficiency(ies), unless in the sole opinion of the City, the deficiency(ies) causes an immediate <br />danger to the health, safety, or general welfare of the City in which case the City may at its <br />option use whatever means the City deems reasonable to correct the deficiency(ies). If the <br />Contractor corrects the problem within the cure period specified, then the City shall pay <br />Contractor the amount retained with the next payment due Contractor. Otherwise, the City shall <br />retain the amount withheld. <br />(c) The amount to be retained by the City shall be determined in the sole discretion of the City. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent possible, the City will use the unit prices set forth in <br />the Contractor's bid in determining the amount to be retained. <br />
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