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Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2010 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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Last modified
2/8/2010 10:21:56 AM
Creation date
2/8/2010 10:20:49 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2010 0201
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0201
Agmt 2014 Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2014
Reso 2010-011
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2010
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Specification Interpretation -Should any misunderstanding arise, the City will interpret the <br />Specifications. <br />OPERATIONAL STANDARDS <br />Turf Maintenance <br />Turf shall be maintained in a healthy, superior condition with a crisp, clean appearance at all <br />times. <br />Turf shall be mowed a minimum of once per week during the growing season (March through <br />November). During the months of December through February, turf shall be mowed on an as- <br />needed basis. <br />Bruising or rough cutting of grass shall not be permitted. Mower blades shall be sharp and <br />properly adjusted so that turf is cut to a uniform height. Scalping will not be permitted. Grass <br />cuttings which clump or windrow shall be removed immediately. Mowing patterns will be <br />changed weekly or however necessary to avoid rutting. <br />Grasscycling shall be employed for all turf areas except as noted in Attachment 6 (see ABay- <br />Friendly Landscaping Guide to Grasscycling, available at www.Ba~Friendly ors). Grasscycling <br />requires an integrated management system of irrigation, mowing height, and mowing frequency. <br />Turf shall be mowed at a height appropriate for the species of the turf: <br />Tall fescue 2-3" <br />Bluegrass, ryegrass, red fescue 1.5-2.5" <br />Dichondra, Bermuda grass 0.5-1.0" <br />Mulch leaf litter with mowers as needed throughout the fall and winter months. Large <br />concentrations of leaves may require pickup. Rakes are preferred for leaf litter removal over <br />blowers. Leaf litter shall not be allowed to accumulate to the point that it will damage or kill turf. <br />Leaf litter that is removed from turf shall either be chopped and used on-site, or transported to a <br />plant debris recycling facility. <br />All turf areas shall be cleanly edged to the inside (turfside) edge of the concrete median curbs. <br />All turf growing along public sidewalks and walkways shall be edged to maintain a crisp, clean <br />edge along all such structures. Grass shall also be kept from overgrowing sprinkler heads. <br />Edging shall also include trimming grass around trees, poles, utilities, and any other concrete <br />pads within or immediately adjacent to the turf areas. Edging shall be done once per month <br />during the months of November through March, and every two (2) weeks during the months of <br />April through October. Edging shall be done by the use of power edgers or by hand. Soil <br />sterilants or other herbicides shall not be used for edging. <br />Care shall be taken to avoid damage by mowers to tree trunks, irrigation heads and any other <br />utilities, facilities or structures within or adjacent to turf areas. Any damage caused by the <br />
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