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Public Hearing on the Kaiser Medical Center Project <br />Pg. 2 <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />May 3, 2010 <br />Kaiser has been working with the City of San Leandro for several years to develop a 63 -acre <br />parcel of property, formerly the site of an Albertson's distribution center, located off Marina <br />Boulevard just west of Interstate 880. Kaiser purchased this property in November 2005. As <br />proposed, the 63 -acre project site would be divided into two portions, the approximately 38 -acre <br />southern portion is planned as a new medical center, and the approximately 25 -acre northern <br />portion is planned for a future mixed-use retail development. <br />Medical Center <br />Phase 1 of the Medical Center includes an approximately 436,000 square foot new hospital <br />containing up to 264 licensed beds, an approximately 275,000 square foot Hospital Support <br />Building immediately adjacent to and connected to the hospital, a central utility plant (CUP) <br />containing all of the major mechanical and electrical equipment, and up to 2,100 surface parking <br />spaces. If approved, construction of Phase 1 of the Medical Center is anticipated to commence in <br />the spring of 2010 and be complete by 2014. <br />Future buildout of the Medical Center may include expansion of the hospital by an additional <br />175,000 square feet to accommodate an additional 120 beds; the construction of two additional <br />medical office buildings of approximately 100,000 square feet each; and the potential for a <br />structured parking garage. The precise timing, order and rate of development associated with full <br />buildout of the Medical Center are dependent upon a number of currently unknown factors <br />including changes in health care delivery requirements, member needs, market orientation, <br />interest rates, competition and other factors. <br />Mixed -Use Retail Development <br />A specific development for the mixed-use retail portion of the site is not currently proposed. <br />Entitlements sought for this portion of the property are limited to certification of the EIR, the <br />General Plan amendment and re -zoning, as well as those described in the development <br />agreement. Prior to any development of the mixed-use retail site a separate project application <br />would need to be filed, subsequent environmental review conducted and discretionary approvals <br />for a separate Planned Development project considered and approved by the City Council. It is <br />envisioned that the mixed-use retail development will be implemented between 2013 and 2019, <br />but these estimated dates are dependent upon the economics of the retail industry and are thus <br />subject to change. <br />In order to provide flexibility for the mixed-use retail development site to appropriately respond <br />to future market conditions, the program for buildout of the northern portion of the site includes <br />several options. These options include up to 432,000 square feet of retail use only, or a lesser <br />amount of retail (387,000 square feet) with either 250 units of residential apartments, or a 210 - <br />room hotel. <br />KEY ISSUES / MATTERS OF DISSCUSSION AT THE PLANING COMMISSION <br />HEARING <br />There were nineteen (19) public speakers who commented on the project and its associated EIR <br />at the April 22nd Planning Commission hearing, and considerable discussion, questions and <br />