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TLC Grant Application Resolution 2 July 19, 2010 <br />3) Introducing on-street parking on San Leandro Boulevard between Davis Street and Williams <br />Street, <br />4) Implementing various pedestrian crossings of San Leandro Boulevard, <br />5) Installing a new signal light at Parrott Street and San Leandro Boulevard, <br />6) Making other street light modifications at San Leandro Boulevard and to Davis Street and <br />West Juana Avenue and at the BART entrance. <br />In the downtown area the grant will provide the following additions <br />1) Adding new bicycle "racks" at the AC Transit bus stop at Davis Street and East 14th Street, <br />2) Adding new paving features to downtown crosswalks, <br />3) Installing new wayfinding signs, <br />4) Adding a new bus stop shelter on East 14th Street in front of the Wells Fargo Building. <br />This grant will help implement the City's Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy by <br />making bicycle and pedestrian connections to the BART Station and to the surrounding <br />community safe and user friendly, while also making stronger multi-modal transportation <br />connections in the downtown area. <br />The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) notified City staff in June that the City had <br />been selected for a grant award per the scope described above, subject to certain design and cost <br />changes. Staff is still waiting for a formal letter from the MTC specifying .those conditions. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not applicable. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />The City Council previously approved in September 2007 the TOD Strategy, a plan that first <br />outlined the idea of making San Leandro Boulevard/ BART Station more pedestrian friendly, <br />thereby increasing the vibrancy in the downtown core area. Subsequently, the City became a <br />grant recipient of the MTC grant for the San Leandro Boulevard BART Interface Plan. That <br />grant and the plan it created was the precursor to the TLC grant as it provided the design and <br />planning work that was a required by the TLC grant. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not applicable. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Goal 6: Downtown Revitalization, of the General Plan also addresses the TOD Strategy. <br />Specifically, Goal 6.10, BART Station Area Revitalization, states: "Foster the development of <br />the BART Station area as a mixed use "transit village," with a full complement of office, <br />medium and high-density residential, and office-serving retail uses, along with pedestrian plazas, <br />open space, BART parking, and other transit facilities (possibly including a Capitol Corridor rail <br />station)." <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not applicable. <br />