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all City meetings or activities open to the public with an advance request to the <br /> department responsible for the meeting, or the City Clerk's Office, with at least <br /> five (5) working days advance notice. <br /> (5) Other Accommodation Requests. Accommodations other than those listed above <br /> must be submitted to the department responsible for the meeting or the City <br /> Clerk's Office with at least five (5) working days advance notice. <br /> (c) Undue Hardship. The City is not obligated to provide an accommodation that will <br /> impose an undue hardship on the operation of the City's business. An undue hardship <br /> would be an accommodation that will impose significant difficulty or expense in the <br /> provision of the accommodation. Undue hardship includes, but is not limited to, financial <br /> difficulty and refers to any accommodation that would be unduly costly, extensive, <br /> substantial, or disruptive, or that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of <br /> City business. <br /> Whether a particular accommodation will impose an undue hardship on the City will be <br /> determined on a case -by -case basis by the City's ADA Coordinator and the Department <br /> Head responsible for the program, activity or service in question. If the City initiates the <br /> accommodation process in response to the request of an individual, but ultimately does <br /> not provide an accommodation, the following will be documented by the ADA <br /> Coordinator: <br /> (1) All accommodations considered or offered in the accommodation process. <br /> (2) The reasons other accommodations were not feasible. <br /> (3) The reasons the requesting individual rejected any accommodations. <br /> (4) The requesting individual's response to each offered accommodation. <br /> (5) Written notification to the requesting individual of rejected accommodations. <br /> 425.+-1205: GRIEVANCE POLICY. The City of San Leandro hereby adopts a grievance <br /> procedure to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and <br /> Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504). It may be used by anyone wishing to file a <br /> grievance alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, <br /> programs, or benefits by the City of San Leandro. <br /> (a) The grievance should be in writing on the City of San Leandro ADA /504 Grievance <br /> Form. Alternative means of filing a grievance, such as personal interviews or a tape <br /> recording of the grievance, are available to persons with disabilities upon request. <br /> (b) The grievance must be submitted by the complainant and /or his /her designee to the City's <br /> ADA Coordinator or Section 504 Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than sixty <br /> (60) calendar days after the alleged violation. <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2010- 3 <br />