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EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AGREEMENT (110112011) <br /> b. Downgrades - If a call is downgraded, prior to arrival on scene of theFRALS(e.g. from a <br /> Delta to a Charlie), Contractor's compliance and fines shall be determined by: <br /> • If the time of the downgrade occurs after the FRALS has exceeded the higher priority <br /> Response Time standard, the higher priority Response Time standard shall apply; or, <br /> • If the time of the.downgrade occurs before the FRALS has exceeded the higher <br /> priority Response Time standard, the lower priority Response Time standard shall <br /> apply. <br /> • In all such cases, documentation must be presented for validation of the reason why <br /> the priority status was downgraded. If the downgrade was justified, in the sole <br /> discretion of the County, the longer standard shall apply. <br /> c. Reassignment Enroute <br /> If a FRALS unit is reassigned en -route or turned around prior to Arrival at Incident <br /> Location (e.g., to respond to a higher priority request), compliance and fines shall be <br /> calculated based on the Response Time Standard applicable to the assigned priority of <br /> the initial response. The Response Time clock shall not stop until the arrival of a FRALS <br /> on the scene from which the unit was diverted. <br /> d. Canceled Calls <br /> If a call is canceled prior to the FRALS Arrival at Incident, the compliance and fines shall <br /> • be calculated based on the elapsed time from dispatch to the time the call was canceled. <br /> In situations where the FRALS has responded to a location other than the Incident <br /> Location (e.g. staging areas for hazardous materials /violent crime incidents, non - <br /> secured scenes, or where rugged terrain precludes access), Arrival at Incident shall be <br /> the time the FRALS arrives at the designated staging location or the nearest public <br /> access point to the patient's location <br /> 5.4 Response Time Late Response Exemptions ( "Exemption ") <br /> a. Contractor may request that a late response be excluded from the calculation of <br /> Response Time standards ( "an Exemption "), if that call falls into one of the following <br /> categories: <br /> • A declared Multi- Casualty Incident ( "MCI ") or disaster that the County EMS Director <br /> determines has had a material impact on Contractor's resources. <br /> Page 5 of 26 <br />