Laserfiche WebLink
Exhibit D GI O-UPA-82 <br /> "screen shots ") will follow a general form arrangement from start to finish. Inspectors will <br /> be instructed to use the "tab" function to ensure that all fields are entered and to use the <br /> "Next" button to go to successive ESS DB layouts. Once the inspector has tabbed through <br /> all the fields through all the individual ESS DB layouts, the inspection report will be <br /> complete and ready for printout or emailing as saved PDF reports. Note: all data is saved <br /> immediately upon entering it into the ESS DB; the saved PDF reports are reports made <br /> from saved data from the ESS DB that will be readily understandable to the regulated <br /> facilities as inspection reports. Due to storm water reporting requirements, the new <br /> general inspection version of the ESS DB will go into effect on 1/1/12. <br /> G. All ESS staff will need more CERS training and new equipment training. ESS staff will <br /> attend all State sponsored CERS inspector training and will take maximum advantage of <br /> CERS online resources under the help section. The ESS DB designer and City of San <br /> Leandro Information Services staff will conduct all new equipment/software training. <br /> H. The ESS will need grant funds form the State to fully implement electronic reporting. The <br /> ESS must pay for software upgrades, equipment upgrades, and purchase of new field <br /> reporting equipment. <br /> I. The ESS will ultimately require increased Unified Program fees for field electronic data <br /> management after the grant has been exhausted., It is anticipated that additional time will <br /> be required to fully document inspections at the inspection site within the ESS DB via the <br /> field PCs, but this will be more than offset with less time documenting inspections back at <br /> the office. Additionally, the quality of the inspection report should be improved while on <br /> site rather than post- inspection with a time -delay back in the office. <br /> 3. Collecting, Submitting, and Storing Unified Program Related Information <br /> The ESS will use CERS for collecting, submitting, and storing Unified Program Information. <br /> CERS will collect and store local UPA information specified in the Title 27 data dictionary. <br /> CERS will also collect locally required non -Title 27 related UPA information maintained within <br /> Page 6 of 12 <br />