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Exhibit D G10- UPA -82 <br /> the CERS data dictionary. The ESS plans to complete the upgrade of its current ESS DB from <br /> FileMaker Pro 5 to FileMaker Prol 1 along with the upgraded network server and FileMaker <br /> Server 11 software upgrade within forty five (45) days of CERS Grant award, which should be <br /> sometime in October or November of 2011. The upgraded ESS FileMaker Pro 11 based ESS <br /> DB will continue to do all inspection scheduling and tracking along with billings and permitting. <br /> Information collected from CERS underground storage tank UPCFs will be used in the ESS <br /> DB to develop UST permits. Businesses will need to electronically submit all required UPCF <br /> data and upload required documents directly to CERS. Note: The ESS will electronically <br /> submit inspection and enforcement information to the State using CERS when that function <br /> becomes available. <br /> 4. Management of Data Changes /Updates <br /> The ESS will manage UPCF changes through CERS. Businesses will submit UPCF <br /> information directly into CERS. ESS staff will review submissions, compare the new <br /> submissions with previously submitted information using the CERS comparison tool, and will <br /> make an approval status determination. If a business data submission is not approved and/or <br /> is incomplete, ESS staff will enter a notation in CERS specifying what is needed to complete <br /> the approval process. Businesses that receive an incomplete approval status from ESS will <br /> receive an email notice of their status. Businesses will need to click on the email link to their <br /> CERS UPCF information to review ESS staff notations and make the required corrections. <br /> While the above steps will be rigorously followed to assure the completion of correctly <br /> developed UPCFs, direct phone calls, emails, and site visits between the business and the <br /> ESS will also be available as a resource to the business manager. Should owner /operator <br /> information be different between CERS and the ESS DB, then the ESS DB will be manually <br /> updated with the more recently submitted CERS information. Note: the ESS DB development <br /> is in -house and is easily upgradeable; therefore, the ESS DB developer may elect to use some <br /> Page 7 of 12 <br />