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Exhibit D G10- UPA -82 <br /> CERS fields to automatically update certain ESS DB facility owner /operator information fields <br /> at some time after the CERS 1/1/13 requirement date <br /> 5. Inspection /Enforcement <br /> The ESS inspectors presently use paper -based inspection reports to collect inspection and <br /> enforcement information and then manually put that information into the ESS DB once they <br /> are back in the ESS office. The ESS DB is then used for violation and enforcement tracking <br /> along with scheduling reinspections and future routine inspections. The ESS DB is also used <br /> to poll the stored data and complete the current paper annual CUPA program reports <br /> submitted to Cal /EPA. Additionally, the ESS DB also tracks the fines associated with the <br /> enforcement actions resulting from the inspections. Once the CERS grant has been awarded, <br /> the ESS is planning on integrating tablet PCs into the field for generating CUPA inspection <br /> reports with the ability to immediately email all inspection reports to business managers. This <br /> will be accomplished using an application (supplied by the service provider) that will allow the <br /> tablet PC to access the inspector's personal office computer. As such, the inspector will be <br /> able to directly go into the ESS DB using their tablet PCs and directly utilize the new <br /> inspection ESS DB layouts discussed in section 2 (F). As the tablet PCs will have remote <br /> access to the inspectors' individual office PCs and the ESS DB, there will be little additional <br /> time requirements for the ESS inspectors to close -out the inspection once they have returned <br /> to the office; inspection documentation will be almost exclusively done while at the site of the <br /> business rather than post- inspection back at the office. This process should be more time <br /> efficient and inherently more accurate than when done post- inspection. Additionally, the tablet <br /> PCs will be able to use the additional inspection database functionality discussed previously in <br /> 2 (F). This sub - database will be initially populated with the violations on the CUPA's general <br /> program, UST, APSA and HW inspection forms and reference the code, regulation, or statute; <br /> and the statewide violation library upon its release as part of the CAL EPA CERS development <br /> The sub - database will be further developed by the ESS inspectors themselves as they identify <br /> Page 8 of 12 <br />