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Exhibit D G10- UPA -82 <br /> and add violations which in turn will become available to all inspectors for future use. The <br /> FileMaker Pro 11 based ESS DB will have these new features built into it by the DB developer. <br /> Additional resources, links, and information will also be available via email from the tablet PCs <br /> to the business manager. <br /> Inspection and enforcement information needed to complete CUPA Summary Reports will be <br /> managed in the ESS DB. The ESS will continue to submit paper versions of the Summary <br /> Reports to the State until CERS can accept inspection and enforcement information. At the <br /> present time, the exchange template on how and in what format the information must be <br /> exchanged between the local CUPAs and CERS has not been released, but the ESS is in <br /> good position to be able to quickly adapt to these requirements as the ESS DB developer is in- <br /> house. Once the exchange template has been released, the ESS DB will be modified to <br /> comply with all exchange template requirements and a system of uploading the inspection and <br /> enforcement information from the ESS DB to CERS will be developed and implemented. <br /> 6. Billing /Invoicing <br /> The ESS will continue to use the ESS DB to generate required single fee invoices for the <br /> regulated community. Invoices from the ESS DB are then sent to the Finance department for <br /> billing. This part of the ESS DB is fully developed and requires no new updates. The ESS DB <br /> will also continue to be utilized for collecting, tracking, reporting and remittance of the state <br /> portion of the UPA single fee. <br /> 7. Training <br /> As the ESS will continue to use the ESS DB, required training will be limited to the small <br /> number of ESS DB updates /changes /additions. However, there will be some training required <br /> for tablet PCs. It is anticipated that the majority of the required training will be directed into the <br /> basic functions of the tablet PCs and on how to use the remote PC access functions. All <br /> training will be handled in -house with the ESS DB developer and the City of San Leandro <br /> Page 9of12 <br />