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Make eight visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction in order to observe <br /> the progress and quality of the various aspects of the Contractor's work. Based on information obtained <br /> during such visits and on such observations, Consultant will endeavor to determine, in general, if such work <br /> is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. <br /> Deliverable shall be a site observation report for each site visit. <br /> 5.07A Well Construction Support Services <br /> The Consultant shall provide support services for the construction of the well. Work shall include: <br /> Pilot hole drilling observation—Observe the drilling of the pilot hole during critical times and document the <br /> subsurface conditions. Geologically log samples of the cuttings take at 5-foot intervals by the driller. <br /> Perform sieve analyses on selected samples to aid in the lithologic evaluation and to assist in confirming <br /> screen slot-size in the production well. Following the completion of the pilot hole drilling, geophysical <br /> logging will be performed in the pilot hole by a selected service company. The resulting logs will be <br /> interpreted for a prognosis of water quantity and quality for the production well. <br /> Production well design—Prepare final well construction diagram for the production well. Details shall <br /> include completion depth, screen intervals, screen slot size, gravel pack gradation, and depth of seal for the <br /> production casing. <br /> Production Casing Installation, Seal, and Development Observation—At critical times, observe reaming of <br /> the pilot hole, installation of the production casing and screens,test pumping,and other well development <br /> operations. Laboratory fees for water quality analyses of samples collected during the pumping tests are <br /> not included as part of this task. <br /> Aquifer Test Analysis and Summary Report Preparation—Determine a safe sustained yield for the well. <br /> Prepare a completion report summarizing information gathered during well construction and testing, <br /> including an as-built construction diagram of the well. <br /> 5.08 Substantial Completion Review <br /> Harris Design will conduct an inspection to determine if the work is substantially complete,and will prepare <br /> a punch list of incompleted or unacceptable work items. Should the project be determined by Harris Design <br /> to be substantially complete, a notice of substantial completion will be prepared and issued to the City so <br /> they can issue it as necessary to the Contractor. <br /> Deliverable shall be a list of items to be included on the City's punch list to be issued to the Contractor. <br /> 5.09 Follow-Up Substantial Completion Review <br /> Should the project not be determined to be substantially complete,the Contractor shall satisfactorily <br /> complete the punch list items and issue a notice that all punch list items have been completed. Upon <br /> receipt of this notice, a second review will be held to determine if the completed work is acceptable. Once <br /> the work has been deemed substantially complete, Harris Design will recommend to the City that notice <br /> shall be given to the Contractor indicating authorization to begin the maintenance period.Any further <br /> reviews necessary to deem the project substantially complete shall be provided as additional services. <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between City of <br /> San Leandro and Harris Design Exhibit A—Page 17 of 24 <br />