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Agmt 2018 CSA CoSL and BKF Engineers for Annual Street Overlay
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Agmt 2018 CSA CoSL and BKF Engineers for Annual Street Overlay
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visits. The gathered information includes current and future improvement projects. (This meeting may occur <br />after Tasks 1.2 and 1.3 at the discretion of the City). <br />1.2 Collect Record Data, Studies, and Information: Consultant will collect all record documents, studies, <br />pavement condition index, and reports from the City. This will include an overlay of the goals defined in the <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2018, Green Infrastructure initiatives, as well as Complete Streets <br />concepts on the proposed streets to receive repair. Consultant will also acquire information from public <br />utility companies who possess infrastructure in the project area as well as their current and future CIP <br />projects. <br />1.3 Field Review Pavement and Sidewalk Conditions: Consultant will visit the streets designated for <br />repair to document areas of distress and damage to curbs and gutters, confirm roadways with or without <br />sidewalk, conflicts with accessibility, and locations of existing utilities. Consultant will compile both a <br />photographic log and field notes of the investigation. Consultant will record type, location, size, and severity <br />of distress using aerial color photographic equipment for integration into the base mapping. Consultant will <br />also perform pavement condition survey within the limits in general accordance with the Metropolitan <br />Transportation Commission's pavement condition index manuals for flexible and rigid pavements. <br />Consultant will identify predominant types and severity of pavement distress. <br />1.4 Rehabilitation Scope Refinement (10% Design): Using the revised PCI data and review of distress, <br />Consultant will develop a recommended repair, including options that offers the highest benefit to cost ratio. <br />Consultant will develop cost analysis and potentially refine the rehabilitation strategy to remain within the <br />defined budget for streets. Consultant will provide the following during this phase: <br />• Area and severity of pavement distress for all streets <br />• Curb ramp replacement and accessibility enhancement locations <br />• Location and description of potential surface storm drainage issues <br />• Pedestrian and bicycle improvements consistent with the Master Plan <br />• Analyses for potential Green and Complete Streets Concepts integration <br />• Cost analysis to completely define scope of work <br />• Suggested alternatives for repair of the pavement on each street <br />1.5 Base Mapping: With approval of the rehabilitation scope of work, Consultant will compile base <br />mapping for streets to receive improvements using the City and County's GIS information and aerial <br />photogrammetry. Consultant will supplement this information with information collected during a field walk. <br />For areas of reconstruction, Consultant will acquire topographic data at cross sections of 50 -foot interval <br />along the roadway. For streets to receive an asphalt overlay, Consultant will acquire pavement edge and <br />centerline topographic data at intervals necessary to illustrate the existing conditions via aerial survey. For <br />all project streets, Consultant will collect the invert and rim of gravity utility systems, locations of valve <br />covers, manholes, survey monuments and other surface improvements. In those locations to receive <br />accessibility improvements, Consultant will collect detailed topographic data for installation of ramps and <br />sidewalks if the City Standard curb ramps cannot be installed. Consultant will plot all utility record drawings <br />in the base mapping as well as compile right of way from GIS information. Consultant will assemble the <br />drawings in AutoCAD Civil 3D format for use in final design. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 06/28/2018 <br />BKF Engineers, Inc. for Annual Street Overlay/Rehabilitation 2018-19 <br />COSL Project No. 2019.0050 Exhibit A — Page 2 of 6 <br />
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