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File Number: 24-033 <br />through this contract. <br />The required efforts to collaborate with sister agencies owning utilities within the project vicinity <br />led to the decision to divide the project into two phases. Phase 1 focused on the design and <br />construction of the SE Line, a project that was completed in January 2023. Instead of replacing <br />the SE Line, it was rehabilitated using a PVC lining of the pipe’s interior, a strategic measure that <br />eliminated the need for excavating potentially contaminated soil that minimized any harmful or <br />negative environmental effects from disturbing potentially contaminated soil and mitigating <br />significant disposal costs related to the same. <br />Moving forward, Phase 2 will concentrate on the Davis Street Manhole Replacement. This phase <br />involves replacing the sanitary sewer manhole on Davis Street situated adjacent to the WPCP. <br />This phase also includes the realignment of a 30-inch by 33-inch diameter sewer pipe entering <br />the plant from the manhole. These sewer lines are essential for transporting influent to the plant <br />headworks for treatment prior to discharge. <br />Analysis <br />On April 20, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-035, the City Council approved a consulting services <br />agreement with Lee & Ro for the design of the Secondary Effluent Line Replacement and Davis <br />Street Manhole Replacement project. The agreement also granted the authority for amendments, <br />with a maximum limit of 15% of the original agreement amount. <br />However, various challenges, including disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, <br />significant staff turnover and less-than-optimal collaboration from sister agencies with facilities <br />within the project site led to extensive extensions of the contract term. This extension has resulted <br />in increased costs to both the City and the consultant. <br />Initially intended for the rehabilitation of the Davis Street Manhole, a detailed analysis during the <br />design phase revealed that replacement was necessary due to severe deterioration, bringing the <br />manhole to the brink of failure. This shift in the repair strategy required collaboration with sister <br />agencies that owned utilities in the vicinity. <br />To bring this project phase to successful completion, staff recommends that the City Council <br />authorize an increase to the change order cap from 15% to 40%, which is approximately <br />$90,495. <br /> <br />Upon City Council approval of the increase, Lee & Ro will be able to sustain its engagement on <br />the project, successfully conclude the design phase and offer construction support for the Davis <br />Street Manhole Replacement. Lee & Ro’s expertise and in-depth understanding of the project’s <br />challenges uniquely position it to navigate the complexities efficiently and bring the project to its <br />successful conclusion. Failure to approve the increase to the amendment cap may impede the <br />expeditious completion of the project, posing a risk to its timely completion and consequent <br />failure of the manhole structure. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/21/2024