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PUBLIC HEARING PROCED ZIRES <br />An~~one ~~ishing to speak regarding a Public Hearing should fill out a speaker card prior to the completion of the staff <br />presentation and submit it to the Cit<~ Clerk. The order of business for Public Hearings is as follo~~ s: <br />Staff presentation <br />2. Applicant/Appellant - 10 minutes <br />3. CitS~ Council Questions/Clarifications <br />4. Public Comments - 5 minutes per speaker, <br />subject to adjustment by the Mayor <br />5. Applicant/Appellant Rebuttal - 5 minutes <br />6. Cit<~ Council Comments/Questions/Action <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION <br />The Cit<~ Council ~~elcomes your participation at meetings. The Agenda pro~-ides se~-era1 opportunities for public <br />participation. <br />Public Comments: The public is in~-ited to make comments on items that are not listed on the Agenda at this time. <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />Consent Calendar: Members of the public ~~ho ~~-ish to address the Council regarding items remaining on the Consent <br />Calendar may do so for up to 3 minutes per item ~~ ith a maximum of 5 minutes total for all items. <br />Items Removed from Consent Calendar and Action Items: Public comments on these items ~~i11 be limited to 3 <br />minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />When you address the Cit<~ Council, you should fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Cit<~ Clerk prior to or as the <br />item is being announced so that the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names and addresses <br />obtained. Speakers should approach the podium and speak clearly into the microphone, stating their name for the record. <br />There shall be no dialogue betty een persons speaking from the podium and the Cit<~ Council until the speaker has <br />completed his or her comments. Your item may be taken under consideration and referred to staff. All personal, racial <br />or ethnic slurs, profane language, or disrupti~-e conduct is prohibited. Any person ~~ho disrupts the meeting by <br />expressing such conduct is subject to remo~-a1 from the Council Chambers andlor arrest. <br />CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Consent Calendar items are t5-pica115~ routine in nature and are considered for appro~-a1 b5~ the Cit<~ Council ~~ ith a single <br />action. The Cite Council ma~~ remo~-e items from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Items listed on the Consent <br />Calendar are deemed to ha~-e been read by title. Members of the public ~~ ho ~~-ish to comment on Consent Calendar <br />items should fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Cit<~ Clerk prior to the calling of Item 7, Amendment of Consent <br />Calendar. <br />AGENDAS <br />The Council is prohibited by State la~~ from discussing items not listed on the Agenda unless, by a tt~o-thirds rote, or <br />unanimous rote if less than tt~o-thirds of the members are present, the Council finds that there is a need to take <br />immediate action, and the need for the action came to the City's attention after the agenda ~~ as posted. <br />Agendas are a~-ailable to the public 72 hours in ad~-ance of the meeting and are posted on the notice board outside the <br />East 14th Street main entrance to the Ci~-ic Center on the Friday preceding the meeting. Agendas may be obtained from <br />the City Clerk's Office; in the mail by prodding a supply of self-addressed, stamped en~-elopes; on the City's website, or <br />by subscribing to our electronic agenda distribution. For information, call the City Clerk's Office at (510) 577-3368. <br />The complete Agenda book is mailable for review at the City Clerk's Office, the Main Libran', and the Cit<~ ~~ ebsite, and <br />may also be rented from the Clerk's Office for a nominal deposit. Any ~~ritings or documents pro~-ided to a majorit<~ of <br />the Cit<~ Council regarding any item on this agenda ~~ i11 be made a~-ailable for public inspection in the City Clerk's <br />Office, 835 East 14th Street, and the Main Libran', 300 Estudillo A~-enue, during normal business hours, and on the <br />Citt~'s ~~ ebsite at <br />If special accommodations are required for the disabled, please call the City Clerk's Office at (510) 577-3366 or TDD at <br />(510) 577-3343. <br />