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Name Page count CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type Drawing Type Document Date (6) Recorded Document Type
Reso 2020-073 General Municipal Election[Icon] 4 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-074 Creekside Partners Parking LLC Parcel Map Approval[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-075 CSA CDBG FY2021 Rebuilding Together Oak EB[Icon] 20 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-076 CSA CDBG FY1921 SOS Meals on wheels Centro legal de la raza[Icon] 28 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-078 NPSA Rubicon Landscape Corp[Icon] 5 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-079 CSA Townsend Public Affairs[Icon] 20 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-080 Declaration of Emergency Suspending Enforce of certain land use permits and approvals[Icon] 10 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-081 Rescind Reso 2020-011 and Designate signers on City Checks[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-082 Rescind Reso 2020-012 and Authorize Investment of monies in LAIF[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-083 Terminating Proclamation of Local Emergency due to Civil Unrest[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-084 CDBG 2021 for CALICO, Davis Street Family, Serv opps for Seniors etc[Icon] 194 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-085 Contract De Silva Gates Street Overlay and Rehab[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/6/2020
Reso 2020-086 PLHA Grant and standard Agreement[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-087 302C4 Plan for Perm Local Housing[Icon] 5 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-088 Liens for Non-Pmt of Deliq 2020 Business Lic Tax[Icon] 2 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-089 Overruling Protests of Liens for Delinq accounts[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-090 342 Marina Blvd Tract Map 8513[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-091 Amenmnt 1 CSA for DKS, Fehr & Peers and WTrans[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-092 Program Supp Agmt No U30 w State of California[Icon] 5 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-093 Contract Change Order Cap to 20%[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-094 NPSA David Sams American Golf Corp[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-095 Amdt 2 NPSA Flagship Facility Servs City Janitorial[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-096 CSA Invengo Technology Corp for New RFID at Library[Icon] 31 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-097 20-21 Investment Policy[Icon] 1 Resolution 7/20/2020
Reso 2020-098 Granicus 3 year annual renewal[Icon] 9 Resolution 7/20/2020
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